Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead – finished reading, now lighting my bra on fire.

I have a girl crush on Sheryl Sandberg. She has been the topic of conversation for the last few weeks in my office in response to her new book – Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead. I have never considered myself a feminist, I’ve always felt that women’s issues were sort of moot. We can vote, we have the same rights, what more do we have to fight for? A lot. While women are graduating in larger numbers than men, we are not reaching the C-suite, and upper level management in a similar fashion – and we are all suffering for it. Her book focuses on some of the issues she feels are holding women back, and its the source of much controversy – that the number one barrier is you. The woman in the mirror. Take a look ladies, see a fraud? Its called Imposter Syndrome and its refreshing to know that someone with as many accolades and accomplishments as Sandberg has under her belt, still has felt as if she has faked it to get where she is. Obviously, she hasn’t –

with two degrees from Harvard, and named one of Fortune magazines 50 most powerful women in business – she is far from a faker. But she explores her own insecurities, and explains that these things can at times hold women back in pursuing their career ambitions. Along with motherhood, and our drives to raise a family, women tend to prepare for kids by leaning back at their job, when they really should be leaning in. It also talks about the double standards that women face in the workplace, when a level of assertiveness from a man would be seen as a sign of success

ful leadership, coming from a women can be seen as the opposite. The book has changed my life and I have been vocal about getting other women to read it. Men too, if they have women that they care about, can glean some knowledge from this book. The business world will eventually begin to reap the benefits, once more women start leaning in.


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